Transform Your Business and Life by Healing Ancestral Stories

Are you a spiritual entrepreneur feeling blocked by unseen forces despite your vast potential and desire to help others?

You know your healing gifts can transform lives, but something is holding you back.

The wisdom and guidance you seek seem just out of reach.

What if you could clear the ancestral karmic stories impacting your DNA without dedicating more of your precious time?

You're busy, and I get it. That's why the Ancestral Connection and Healing Workshop is designed to help you experience profound healing and connection effortlessly.


Discover the Power of Your Ancestral Lineage

In today's fast-paced world, many healers and spiritual entrepreneurs struggle to find a deep, authentic connection with their roots. The challenges of balancing a thriving business with personal growth can leave you feeling disconnected and overwhelmed. What if you could tap into the timeless wisdom of your Ancestors to guide and support you on your journey?


Uncover and Heal Your Ancestral Stories

Our Ancestors' stories of shame, scarcity, abandonment, fear, abuse, grief, and betrayal are woven into our DNA, impacting our ability to thrive. This program is your pathway to healing those stories, empowering you to express your full healing potential and achieve abundance in business and life.


What You Will Receive:


  • Weekly Remote Healings Each week, we will focus on clearing a specific Ancestral Karmic Story that may be impacting your business or personal life. These remote healings are designed to release generational traumas and blockages, allowing you to move forward with clarity and purpose. 


Week 1: Abandonment

Week 2: Abuse

Week 3: Anger

Week 4: Betrayal

Week 5: Fear

Week 6: Grief

Week 7: Scarcity

Week 8: Shame


  • Weekly Guided Journeys Join us for a guided journey each week to connect deeply with your Ancestors. These meditative sessions will help you build a strong, personal relationship with the Ascended Ancestors who are ready to guide and support you. 


  • Private Ancestral Story Healing and Connection Session After the first four weeks, you will receive a private session dedicated to healing a specific Ancestral story and establishing a direct connection with the Ancestor who is ready to be your spiritual guide.


  • Email/Voicemail Support Throughout the program, you will have access to ongoing support via email and voicemail. Whether you have questions, need guidance, or simply want to share your experiences, we are here to support you every step of the way.


  • Monthly Support Calls Participate in monthly group calls where you can connect with other program participants, share your progress, and receive additional guidance and support.


Enroll in the Ancestral Healing and Connection - 8-week program today!

Unlock the wisdom of your Ancestors and transform your life and business. Join now and begin your journey toward deeper spiritual connection, personal empowerment, and professional growth.


Full Pay


You Will Receive

  • Weekly Remote Healings 
  • Weekly Guided Journeys
  • Private Ancestral Story Healing and Connection Session
  • Email/Voicemail Support
  • Monthly Support Calls
Enroll Today!

Payment Plan

Two Payments of $150

You Will Receive

  • Weekly Remote Healings 
  • Weekly Guided Journeys
  • Private Ancestral Story Healing and Connection Session
  • Email/Voicemail Support
  • Monthly Support Calls
Enroll Today!